Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Reflection of my Self Socialization - 808 Words

According to Brym and Lie, â€Å"self-socialization is the ability to choose socialization from the wide variety of mass media offerings†(Brym and Lie 2012:67). There are so many mediums with which I have socialized myself with. A means through which I interact with people is through the internet because the internet is the â€Å"†¦ fastest growing mass medium†(Brym and Lie 2012:65). I have used social networks since I was 10 years. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Hi5 and many others. The social network that has been able to influence me is Twitter. With Twitter, I obtain knowledge about the things around me, build my confidence, and improve my fashion awareness. In this essay, I would discuss how these ways help me socialize, and explain socialization through the use of twitter from a symbolic perspective. Twitter has enabled me to have some information about the activities in my surroundings. It connects my friends and I together. People in my inti mate circle own the app on their phone, and so there is no missing link in the friendship we share because we communicate with each other. If I did not have the Twitter app, I would be left out in most of the conversations between my friends and I. For instance, there was a fight on Twitter on January 1st and on January 2nd that was the hot topic of discussion. If I did not have the app, I would have been unaware of the fight and would have been lost during the analysis. I also gain knowledge about religious practices aroundShow MoreRelatedThe Dynamic Relationship Between Family Socialization And Student Achievement Levels1381 Words   |  6 Pagesdescribe the dynamic relationship that exists between family socialization and student achievement levels in school. I will start by defining the term â€Å"socialization† and what it means to me. Then I will talk about the questions that will act as a guide to my research and seek to find answers for. 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