Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cyp core 3.3 free essay sample

7.1 An explanation of the risks and possible consequences for children and young people of being online and of using mobile phone. An access to internet bring huge benefit to everyone, especially as a source of knowledge but dark side of internet and mobile network is more visible as it also offer possibilities risks of exposing children and young people to threats to their safety and wellbeing too. Also Gordon Brown said. The internet is a wonderful and powerful tool that is changing the way we learn and the way we stay in touch, he added, but unfortunately there are risks from people intent on exploiting its benefits. A leading group of paediatrician says parents need to know that unrestricted use of smart phone and social media could have serious consequence for their children Inappropriate/ illegal material; when using the internet and other digital technologies. Indeed, some young people may find themselves involved in activities which are inappropriate or possibly illegal. One of the key risks of using the internet, e-mail or chat room services are that they may be exposed to inappropriate material such as pornographic, hateful or violent in nature. In the case of pornography and child abuse images, the internet plays a large amount of legal and illegal materials. Physical danger: the most reported risk of using internet is the threat of physical danger; pedophiles will often target a child posing as a young person with similar interest and hobbies in order to establish a relationship/ an online friendship which they can progress to sexual activity. Bullying: Bullying is another aspect of the use new technologies while a person may or may not be in physical danger but cyber bullying is when a group of people try to Flaming, Denigration, Bash boards, Outing occurs, Trickery, Harassment, Online vote, Sending malicious code, Images and videos, Grieving to someone else by using the internet or mobile phone that could be damaging to the self- esteem and psychological well-being. Young people’s have been the victims of cyber bullying and teenage girls are in more than boys. Illegal behavior: There are some other risks like illegal behavior or illegal activity, divulging personal, internet grooming, information, fake e-mail e- mail account and fake identity etc. However the internet has become an important in our everyday life, whether access from a computer, mobile phone or other device.  It also has darker side. As a parents or being working with children we should be careful when children and young people using internet, mobile or other services. 7.2 A description of ways of reducing risk to children and young people from: -social networking -internet use -buying online -using a mobile phone We all know children and young people spend a large amount of time online, researching homework, talking and communicating with friends and playing games these are positive and beneficial. However Inappropriate Web content is as plentiful as online predators and its up to parents to minimize the danger to their children and teens by getting involved and using the correct tools. As a parents/ working with children we are responsible for our childrens safety. As a Parent we need to educate ourselves about our childrens online activities. We need to learn what these technologies do, how they work, and how our children are using them. Social networking: We need to talk to them about predators and never talk to strangers, meeting them etc We should create family policies for e-mail, IM, blogs, and social networking sites. Most social networking sites have age limits so make sure they adhere to this. Internet use: Monitor our childrens on activity and block the sites that are inappropriate Limit the time of spend online/ block their ability to share personal information Filter out sexual images   Use browsers which are specially designed for young person’s e.g. surf safety, yahoo etc Talk to children never share personal information (name, address, phone numbers, e-mail, photos or school information) Video games must be clearly labelled with age ratings Encourage the children to be aware of the risk of the internet Encourage the children to talk to adult about things that might be happening online and supervise them in right direction. Internet/ mobile phone/ laptop should stay out of their room Parents should hold the key role and keep the computer in a central part of the house: this way we can stay involved and keep an eye on what our children are doing. Set up parental control Use web watcher will help us to control computer/ laptop usage by creating computer scheduled and monitor our children’s accounts School should have policy in place for using internet Buying online: Buying online is a risk of other hacking into our computer to get our identity that can be minimised by firewall and a firewall can help by preventing hackers to malicious software from gaining access to our information. There are risks of fraud our card details being use by unauthorised users. This can be prevented by using a secure payment system (PayPal). Explain the teenagers can use PayPal account via password system Mobile phone: Risks of using mobile phone of cancer/tumour. We can reduce risks by using landline, hand free, blue tooth, or loud speaker. If the phone held a few inches away from the ear or less time made on phone calls or use text massages instead of ringing a friends that can make difference. A risk of them being attacked if they have expensive phone/ smart phone. Buy a cheap pay as you go phone for them to use at school or clubs this will minimise risk and still allow the young person have access to a phone. A friend or someone knowing person ca bullied or threaded by text massages or making by a phone call. We as parents must ensure that this virtual world is safe for our children just as we try to ensure that the real world is. .

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