Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Social Class And Crime And Punishment Essay - 2193 Words

Social class and crime and punishment has always been an issue in the UK if not globally. For the elite, the criminal justice system serves a purpose to deter and prevent crime, but the reality is that the poor are punished for crimes they commit more so than those of a upper class who commit the same crime. The question is who is to blame for this image of the poor being criminals and the working class crime phenomenon, is it the moral Panic created by the media to distract from the reality of the white collar corporate crime being carried out by the most powerful of society or is it down to Poverty, Labelling, economic and social positioning which all contribute to deviant behaviour. The aim of this essay is to provide a critical criminological view of the punishment of the poor with a wide range of theories and ideas to contribute to the understanding of the poor being punished from the 18th century to today s contemporary society. It will aim to develop an understanding how crimi nals and deviant behaviour were defined and perceived from historical periods to now. â€Å"Classical Criminology was developed in the eighteenth century in opposition to the use of extreme and arbitrary punishments. Classical Criminology advocated a rational approach that punishment ought to be imposed only to the extent necessary to ensure a deterrent.† (Rowe, 2012: 191) For critical criminology, the thought process of criminological thinking is believed to be traced back to as early asShow MoreRelatedA Perfect World, Economic Inequality1337 Words   |  6 Pagesdeviated from based on a person’s zip code. If within this perfect world crime did exist, the ramifications of criminal acts would be blind to race, wealth, or family name. Unfortunately, the illustration of a perfect world is far from it, it’s nonexistent. The world we live in today is full of disparities. 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