Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Reflection of my Self Socialization - 808 Words

According to Brym and Lie, â€Å"self-socialization is the ability to choose socialization from the wide variety of mass media offerings†(Brym and Lie 2012:67). There are so many mediums with which I have socialized myself with. A means through which I interact with people is through the internet because the internet is the â€Å"†¦ fastest growing mass medium†(Brym and Lie 2012:65). I have used social networks since I was 10 years. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Hi5 and many others. The social network that has been able to influence me is Twitter. With Twitter, I obtain knowledge about the things around me, build my confidence, and improve my fashion awareness. In this essay, I would discuss how these ways help me socialize, and explain socialization through the use of twitter from a symbolic perspective. Twitter has enabled me to have some information about the activities in my surroundings. It connects my friends and I together. People in my inti mate circle own the app on their phone, and so there is no missing link in the friendship we share because we communicate with each other. If I did not have the Twitter app, I would be left out in most of the conversations between my friends and I. For instance, there was a fight on Twitter on January 1st and on January 2nd that was the hot topic of discussion. If I did not have the app, I would have been unaware of the fight and would have been lost during the analysis. I also gain knowledge about religious practices aroundShow MoreRelatedThe Dynamic Relationship Between Family Socialization And Student Achievement Levels1381 Words   |  6 Pagesdescribe the dynamic relationship that exists between family socialization and student achievement levels in school. I will start by defining the term â€Å"socialization† and what it means to me. Then I will talk about the questions that will act as a guide to my research and seek to find answers for. Third, I will share the re sults of my endeavors into answering these guiding questions. And last but definitely not the least important piece of my research is the list of adjunct considerations that likelyRead MoreThe National League For Nursing885 Words   |  4 PagesThe National League for Nursing (NLN) Competencies for Nurse Educators The NLN has eight core competencies that the nurse educator focuses on for practice. These competencies include facilitate learning, facilitate learner development and socialization, use assessment and evaluation strategies, participate in curriculum design and evaluation of program outcomes, function as a change agent and leader, pursue continuous quality improvement in the nurse educator role, engage in scholarship, andRead MoreMusic as an Agent of Socialization Essay1409 Words   |  6 Pagesagent of socialization in each of my 4 decades. I know and hope that it will continue to do so. During each period music has affected my personality, shown my personality, affected my perceptions and helped me to cope with growing and changing as a person. My Looking Glass Self has compared the person in song and possibly the singer themselves to myself to gain perspective of who I was at each time. I am going to discuss each decade with the thought of how music was an agent of socializ ation in eachRead MorePolitical Socialization Is A Particular Type Of Political Learning915 Words   |  4 Pages Political Socialization is a particular type of political learning where people develop the attitudes, values, beliefs, opinions and behaviors that are conducive to becoming a good citizen in their country. With political socialization there are many factors that are present when these views are formed, many are very apparent like historical events, and a clear effect such as gender, race, and socio-economics status. My own political views were formed the same way as everybody else were.Read MoreIntense Self-Reflection: My Most Valuable Learning1068 Words   |  4 Pagesas an adult learner. Generally speaking, I use Zimmermans skills of self-regulated learning which include: (a) setting specific proximal goals for oneself, (b) adopting powerful strategies for attaining the goals, (c) monitoring ones performance selectively for signs of progress, (d) restructuring ones physical and social context to make it compatible with ones goals, (e) managing ones time use efficiently, (f) self-evaluating ones methods, (g) attributing causation to results, and (h) adaptingRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination And Use Essay1683 Words   |  7 Pagesit means to use the sociological imagination and use at least one example to make your point. †¢ Wright Mills explains it as a vivid awareness of the relationship between your personal experience and the bigger society. so the way i would put it into my own words is knowing that the reason you do something isn’t the reason why another person does it. An example of this is going for a run. People can go on a run for many different reasons like to lose weight, to tone their body, for run, to be healthyRead MoreHow Gender Role Socialization Effects Girls More Specifically, Depending On The Teenage Girls Developmental Level1280 Words   |  6 PagesAdolescents are faced with many difficult life decisions which, when coupled with their lack of self-knowledge, cause identity crises. Not secure in themselves, teenagers must make decisions concerning how they will act, with who they will associate with, and what life decisions they will choose. Ultimately, the progression by which they determine their identity must inevitability be one of trial and error. In the book Reviving Ophelia, clinical psychologist Dr. Mary Pipher discusses the socialRead MoreCooley And Mead s Theories1287 Words   |  6 Pagesmore complex and structured through the process of interaction and communication. Socialization becomes an important key in understanding society and individuals while also getting a glimpse into evolution and progression. Articles by Mead and Cooley provide different perspectives on the human advancement of the â€Å"self’† by looking at early stages of development and maturation. The idea of social self and socialization allows for individuals to build their identity and connect with society. The importanceRead MoreThe Role Of Socialization On Our Development As A Human Being Essay1473 Words   |  6 Pagesaffectively tinged, self-reflective, and social which has helped us understand the impact of cognition on our daily lives. We have seen illustrations of these seven features by watching the movies; The Wild Child, The Pawnbrok er, and Dr. Strangelove and by reading the articles â€Å"On Memory and Childhood Amnesia,† â€Å"The Transformation of Man†, and â€Å"Reflections: Prologue of Our Time.† By watching those three films and reading those three articles, we have come to realize the influence of socialization on our developmentRead MoreThe Looking Glass Self1648 Words   |  7 PagesThe Looking-Glass Self by Charles H. Cooley I will be talking about the looking glass self, made famous by famed American sociologist Charles Horton Cooley. This concept stems from our interpersonal perception of what another individual’s impression is on us and how we form ourselves towards that initial perception. Out of all the theories that are at our disposal in sociology, this is the theory that interested me the most and here is why. To me the looking glass self is not just a concept or

Monday, December 16, 2019

Ap World History Chapter 26 Notes Free Essays

Chapter 26 Notes: Ottomans and Arabs Ottomans: Factors of Decline * Competition between elite * Weak rulers * Increasingly powerful Janissary corps * Increased competition from European merchants * Military challenges from the West * Ottomans vs. Russia (result: loss of Serbia, Greece, and most of Balkans) Survival * Played European rivals against each other * Selim III: reformed bureaucracy, new army and navy. Killed by janissaries in 1807 * Mahmud II: slaughtered Janissaries, families and religious allies, reforms based on Western influence (angered conservative religious leaders) * Tanzimat Reforms (1939-1876): series of Western influenced reforms in education, government, newspapers, and constitution. We will write a custom essay sample on Ap World History Chapter 26 Notes or any similar topic only for you Order Now Introduction of railroad and telegraph systems (effect: communication increased, minority groups increased power) * Consequences: artisans negatively effected (thank you, Britain), women ‘s status remained stagnant Backlash to Reforms Conflict between old and new orders * Abdul Hamid: attempted to return to despotic governing.. nullified constitution, removed Westerners in power, continued SOME Western policies * Coup 1908: Ottoman Society for Union and Progress (Young Turks) fought for return to 1976 constitution, Sultan remained as figurehead. * War in North Africa: Ottomans lost Libya * Young Turks vs. Arabs * World War I: Turkey sided with Germany†¦. Arab Heartlands Fertile Crescent, Egypt, North AfricaIdentified with Ottoman rulers as Muslims, disliked Ottoman rule * Fear of Western rule Muhammad Ali, Westernizing Europe * Napoleon invades Egypt (1798): example of Western military power, eventually defeated by the British * Western reforms introduced (military, agric ulture) little accomplished in the long-term * Khedives: Muhammad’s descendants, ruled Egypt until 1952 Issues and European Help * Cotton: solely dependent on export * Misuse of money by the elite Indebted to European powers * Suez Canal: introduces power struggle b/w European powers and Egypt (France and Britain) * Conservative Muslims resented Western presence * Liberal Muslims borrowed from West * Skirmish between Britain and Khedival army results in British domination (Egypt is NOT colonized) Egypt in Sudan * Sudan exploited, forced to reform slave trade * Jihad called against Egyptian rulers and Britain * Sudan successful in maintaining independence until 1896 * Western technology vs. Eastern technology How to cite Ap World History Chapter 26 Notes, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Cyp core 3.3 free essay sample

7.1 An explanation of the risks and possible consequences for children and young people of being online and of using mobile phone. An access to internet bring huge benefit to everyone, especially as a source of knowledge but dark side of internet and mobile network is more visible as it also offer possibilities risks of exposing children and young people to threats to their safety and wellbeing too. Also Gordon Brown said. The internet is a wonderful and powerful tool that is changing the way we learn and the way we stay in touch, he added, but unfortunately there are risks from people intent on exploiting its benefits. A leading group of paediatrician says parents need to know that unrestricted use of smart phone and social media could have serious consequence for their children Inappropriate/ illegal material; when using the internet and other digital technologies. Indeed, some young people may find themselves involved in activities which are inappropriate or possibly illegal. One of the key risks of using the internet, e-mail or chat room services are that they may be exposed to inappropriate material such as pornographic, hateful or violent in nature. In the case of pornography and child abuse images, the internet plays a large amount of legal and illegal materials. Physical danger: the most reported risk of using internet is the threat of physical danger; pedophiles will often target a child posing as a young person with similar interest and hobbies in order to establish a relationship/ an online friendship which they can progress to sexual activity. Bullying: Bullying is another aspect of the use new technologies while a person may or may not be in physical danger but cyber bullying is when a group of people try to Flaming, Denigration, Bash boards, Outing occurs, Trickery, Harassment, Online vote, Sending malicious code, Images and videos, Grieving to someone else by using the internet or mobile phone that could be damaging to the self- esteem and psychological well-being. Young people’s have been the victims of cyber bullying and teenage girls are in more than boys. Illegal behavior: There are some other risks like illegal behavior or illegal activity, divulging personal, internet grooming, information, fake e-mail e- mail account and fake identity etc. However the internet has become an important in our everyday life, whether access from a computer, mobile phone or other device.  It also has darker side. As a parents or being working with children we should be careful when children and young people using internet, mobile or other services. 7.2 A description of ways of reducing risk to children and young people from: -social networking -internet use -buying online -using a mobile phone We all know children and young people spend a large amount of time online, researching homework, talking and communicating with friends and playing games these are positive and beneficial. However Inappropriate Web content is as plentiful as online predators and its up to parents to minimize the danger to their children and teens by getting involved and using the correct tools. As a parents/ working with children we are responsible for our childrens safety. As a Parent we need to educate ourselves about our childrens online activities. We need to learn what these technologies do, how they work, and how our children are using them. Social networking: We need to talk to them about predators and never talk to strangers, meeting them etc We should create family policies for e-mail, IM, blogs, and social networking sites. Most social networking sites have age limits so make sure they adhere to this. Internet use: Monitor our childrens on activity and block the sites that are inappropriate Limit the time of spend online/ block their ability to share personal information Filter out sexual images   Use browsers which are specially designed for young person’s e.g. surf safety, yahoo etc Talk to children never share personal information (name, address, phone numbers, e-mail, photos or school information) Video games must be clearly labelled with age ratings Encourage the children to be aware of the risk of the internet Encourage the children to talk to adult about things that might be happening online and supervise them in right direction. Internet/ mobile phone/ laptop should stay out of their room Parents should hold the key role and keep the computer in a central part of the house: this way we can stay involved and keep an eye on what our children are doing. Set up parental control Use web watcher will help us to control computer/ laptop usage by creating computer scheduled and monitor our children’s accounts School should have policy in place for using internet Buying online: Buying online is a risk of other hacking into our computer to get our identity that can be minimised by firewall and a firewall can help by preventing hackers to malicious software from gaining access to our information. There are risks of fraud our card details being use by unauthorised users. This can be prevented by using a secure payment system (PayPal). Explain the teenagers can use PayPal account via password system Mobile phone: Risks of using mobile phone of cancer/tumour. We can reduce risks by using landline, hand free, blue tooth, or loud speaker. If the phone held a few inches away from the ear or less time made on phone calls or use text massages instead of ringing a friends that can make difference. A risk of them being attacked if they have expensive phone/ smart phone. Buy a cheap pay as you go phone for them to use at school or clubs this will minimise risk and still allow the young person have access to a phone. A friend or someone knowing person ca bullied or threaded by text massages or making by a phone call. We as parents must ensure that this virtual world is safe for our children just as we try to ensure that the real world is. .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Movie Exhibition Industry

Deliverable 1 The Motion Picture Industry Value Chain Could the motion picture industry add value to their productions if they concentrated on only one venture? Most of the distribution in the market is done by the divisions of major studios. The studio’s investments span across various major fields and this makes the management of the investment a great challenge. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Movie Exhibition Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If the studio’s concentrated only on movie production, the quality of their productions would increase. They would channel all their energies into creating new movie ideas and this would definitely appeal to their target audience. The Business of Exhibition Could movie exhibitors find other ways of adding value to the customer while gaining revenue? Most of the profits made by exhibitors are from the sale of concessions. The food served at the movies has gradually increased in price but the quality has remained the same. If movie exhibitors diversified their food options and incorporated alcohol in their drinks options, their high food prices would be justified and the customer base would be increased if they added food options for vegetarians. The Theater Experience Now that people can watch movies in their own home, what can movie exhibitors do now to gain that competitive advantage over home theatre systems and offer customers something that their home theatre system cannot? In order to stay in business, the theaters can open smaller branches closer to the living areas so that the people do not have to go through long drives to get to the movies. They should be placed around malls where a lot of people frequent for necessities like food. This would attract customers who had gone to the mall for other reasons and have time to spare. Raising the Exhibition Curtain in 2011 and Beyond How can exhibitors ensure that they re tain their customers with the current economic recession? The exhibitors are overcharging the customers and this has reduced the number of people willing to go to the movies. The exhibitors should be considerate when they set their price. The customers understand a small price hike due to recession but extreme price hikes as have been witnessed, are affecting the number of people going for movies. Deliverable 2 Is the lack of competition from new investors causing these companies to deliver low standard services? How much more do the exhibitors need to do in order to maintain the theater experience do they need to shift to a completely different type of service that no other entertainment venue can offer for that same price? How can the theaters survive the hard economic times while ticket prices are rising, the number of people going to movies is dropping, and the numbers of theatres are increasing? Deliverable 3 The motion picture industry seems to be lacking competition from ne w investors. If there were more studios producing movies, there would be more ideas being made into different movies. This would attract more movie goers. Similarly, if more companies invested in exhibition, the competition would force the exhibitors offer better services. For exhibitors to create a great experience for movie goers they can improve the food they sell and more food options availed. The people working at the movies should also be polite to the customers and treat them well. For theaters to still make a profit without overpricing the tickets, they could reduce the number of staff they have by introducing computerized ticket sale point and drink buying points. They could save on the workers salaries and still run a profitable and efficient business.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on The Movie Exhibition Industry was written and submitted by user Malaysia Alvarez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Describe the Factors That contribute to Canada¡s Power essays

Describe the Factors That contribute to Canada ¡s Power essays There are a lot of factors that contribute to Canada ¡s power in the world. One of the major factors is Canada ¡s Natural Resources. Some of Canada ¡s Natural Resources include: Mining is a very important business in Canada, with mines all over the provinces and territories. Canada is one of the biggest mining countries in the world. Canada mines over 60 minerals and metals. In 2000 the mining industry brought in $30.4 billion dollars for the Canadian economy. Canada is one of the world top exporters of minerals. 80% of the mineral production in Canada is exported, which contributes to the Canadian economy. Canada is the worlds leader in the mining of uranium and potash. Canada is also ranked in the top five for: Nickel, Lead, Aluminum, gold, zinc, copper, gypsum, molybdenum, platinum, salt, cadmium, titanium, and asbestos. For Canada, energy is also one of their biggest, and most important resources. In 1999, Canada produced 11.3 billion barrels of crude oil. In 200, crude oil production was at 1.35 million barrels per day(BPD) of light, and 0.85 million BPD of heavy, together totaling 2.2 million BPD or 803 million barrels for the year. In 200, Canada produced 69 million tonnes of coal, and produced 600 net terawatt hours from electricity generation. The United States is accountable for 96% of all Canadian energy Exports totaling $52.2 billion. The forestry industry in Canada is very large, with $69.6 billion in shipments per year. Canada has 10% of the worlds forests, and it is the worlds largest forest products exporter. The total value for forest products exported was at $47.4 billion in 2000. Its not just the resources that contribute to Canada ¡s power. Other things like employment rates, education, manufacturing, farming, research and development of aeronautical engineering, automotive research and computer development. What makes the country grow is ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Die or Dye - Commonly Confused Words

Die or Dye - Commonly Confused Words The words die and dye  are  homophones: they sound alike but have different meanings. Dye or Die? The noun die refers to a small cube used for games (plural, dice) or to a tool used for stamping or cutting objects (plural, dies). The verb die means to stop living, to stop functioning, to end. The past tense of die is died. Dying concerns the end of life. The noun dye refers to any substance used to give color to hair, a fabric, and so on  (plural, dyes). The verb dye means to apply dye or to color something. The past tense of dye is dyed. Dyeing concerns the application of a coloring agent. Examples The gambler picked up the die and threw a six.The coins were stamped with a die that produced a square or circular hollow.At the graveside Snowball  made a little speech, emphasizing the need for all animals to be ready to die for Animal Farm if need be.(George Orwell, Animal Farm, 1945)He had  prayed that Rudy Mohn, whom he had purposely tripped so he cracked his head on their radiator, not die, and he had not died. But for all the blood, it was just a cut; Rudy came back the same day, wearing a bandage and repeating the same teasing words.(John Updike, Pigeon Feathers.  Pigeon Feathers and Other Stories.  Knopf, 1962)A yellow dye called gamboge is used to color the robes of Buddhist monks.Liz wanted to visit Chicago on St. Patricks Day to see them dye the river green.Besides human tormentors, Bessie  suffered from demons, imps, Evil Powers. She hid her eyeglasses in the night table and found them in a slipper. She placed  her bottle of hair dye in the medicine chest; da ys later she discovered it under the pillow.(Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Key. A Friend of Kafka. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970) Idiom Alerts Die Is CastThe expression the die is cast means that a decision has been made or an action has been taken that cant be changed.Editing may be a form of revision, but it is revision made before  the die is cast- before the letter mailed, the poem published, or the final draft surrendered to the printer. Revision, in the sense in which I must now use the term, is a second look, literally a re-vision, an opportunity to recollect, observe and comment upon an enterprise once considered completed.(Frank Smith,  Writing and the Writer, 2nd ed.  Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994)Never Say DieThe proverb Never say die means never quit or give up.Luis attributes his never-say-die  attitude to his grandmother, who raised him by herself.Dyed-in-the-WoolThe idiom dyed-in-the-wool refers to something (such as a belief, attitude, or habit) thats strongly held, deeply ingrained, or firmly established.If youre a true environmentalist, a dyed-in-the-wool greenie, then why not pack up your leafy rural hom e and move to New York City- preferably to a tall building right in the middle of Manhattan? The Big Apple is home to the greenest citizens in the U.S.(The Global Warming Survival Guide. Time, March 30, 2007) Exercises With Die and Dye (a) Bessie had long since made peace  with death, but to _____  on the steps or in the streets was too harsh.(Isaac Bashevis Singer, The Key.  A Friend of Kafka. Farrar, Straus and  Giroux, 1970)(b) Marie liked to _____ her short hair with exotic colors.(c) At the request of the dying fortune-teller, Lydia placed the worn _____ in a small silver box. Answers to Practice Exercises (a) Bessie had long since made peace  with death, but to die on the steps or in the streets was too harsh.(b) Marie liked to dye her short hair with exotic colors.(c) At the request of the dying fortune-teller, Lydia placed the worn die in a small silver box.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nonprofit organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nonprofit organizations - Essay Example A non-profit organization or entity should be structured or formal in some way in that they can easily be differentiated from mere extemporized groups or informal family groups (Salamon, 1992). In essence, this provision means the organization in question should have some governing rules and or procedures, an instrument of organization, as well as regularly chosen officers that carry out organized procedures or activities. In addition, these institutions have a legal identification and enter into contracts legally without obligating the personal financial accountability of its personnel. This provides that non-profit organizations be separate institutionally from the government, i.e., neither its board is dominated by members of the government nor is it by any means part of the government. In the US, Salamon (1992) asserts that non-profit organizations make part of the private sector and are administrated by private boards of directors. Despite them being structurally and organizationally separate from the government, Salamon (1996) argues that non-profit organizations are often under great governmental influence. An example is where organizations are bound by state regulations regarding sexual harassment, environmental protection, equal opportunity, handicapped accessibility, and protection of human subjects. This has led to some pundits positing that the involvement of the government is a mere intrusion and undermining of the typical nonprofit sector (Rathgeb and Lipsky, 1993). A non-profit organization operates with no intention of making profit for the owners. All profits generated are invested back into the organization’s mission thus forming a distinct difference between it and private business. In essence, Murray (2004) points out that non-profit distributing organizations means that non-profit organizations do not, and are not allowed to generate profits from reduced expenditures and increased receipts. This means that these organizations are

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Professional, Ethical, and Legal Aspects of Error Disclosure Research Paper

Professional, Ethical, and Legal Aspects of Error Disclosure - Research Paper Example One of the effective practices for error disclosure, in this case, is ensuring that the patient understand the need for repeating sampling and analysis (Kalra, 2011). If the practitioner does not report the error to the patient, the patient may be unwilling or unavailable for another sample to be taken. In my future practice as a nurse, I will always ensure that I report and disclose errors to those concerned. However, I understand that some errors are so serious that they should only be reported to the medical authority and not to the patient. To prevent committing serious errors that I will fear to disclose, I will do everything with maximum care ensuring that chances of errors are reduced. I will work with others in this concern by ensuring that I ask anything that looks unclear to me before implementing it on the patients (In Agrawal, 2014). However, the concern that I have is that errors are sometimes unavoidable yet patients take it as a sign of the incompetence of the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Media and the Idea of Beauty Essay Example for Free

Media and the Idea of Beauty Essay Elizabeth Rosales Cultural Anthropology-A18: Yi,Zhou April 21, 2011 Response Paper: Killing Us Softly Who are we? Who am I? With the average American exposed to approximately 3,000 ads a day they all remind us of who we are not and who we should be. The images we are constantly bombarded with by the mass media don’t just sell products they â€Å"sell values, images, concepts of love, sex, and normativity†, standards to which we so often compare ourselves to. Ads reinforce gender binaries, all making a statement about what it means to be a woman in this culture of thinness stressing a particular importance on physical beauty. Jean Kilbourne’s film Killing Us Softly explores and exposes the detrimental effects of the objectification and dehumanization in the representation of women in the popular culture, specifically advertisements. With only less than five percent of women of the entire population that reflect the images of the women advertised, the majority of women are left to feel ashamed for not trying hard enough. Women’s bodies are increasingly subjected to strict scrutiny under a magnifying glass by our superficial culture, these actions bring forth and further feed the shame and embarrassment women associate with their bodies, their sexuality, their size, and their weight. Spending self-conscious days, weeks, months, and even years in front of a mirror and scale, inspecting our bodies in front of a mirror comparing ourselves to the images spread over magazine covers as women we are repeatedly reminded that our bodies are home to imperfections and there is always room for improvement whether that be through exercise, plastic surgery, dieting, or over the counter â€Å"beauty and health† products. Rosales 2 Is this self-improvement or self-destruction? Today, 1 in 5 women are likely to develop an eating disorder and cosmetic surgery is more popular than ever before. More and more women each day are going under the knife for breast enhancements losing all sensation in their breasts. Such procedures dehumanize and objectify women transforming them from â€Å"subjects to objects†, all because as women we are conditioned by the dominant culture to want to feel desirable and seek the approval of men. The breasts, therefore, become a source of pleasure for the men and not the women who undergo the procedure. These internalized feelings drive many to strive to obtain an unattainable beauty and live up to certain impossible expectations whether it’s consciously or not. We fail to recognize that most of the images we are exposed to are computer generated, they are not real women they have been photo shopped and manipulated to look like that and yet we continue to perpetuate these images as the standards for beauty. Much more, the standards that women are expected to live up to is a paradox of ideas, we are to be both â€Å"innocent and sexy, virgin and experienced† child/doll-like and sex objects simultaneously. Can that be any more absurd? Gender is a performance that the mass media is largely responsible for defining, if we are not thin or beautiful enough then we are not feminine enough. The oppression and misrepresentation of women is not limited to gender though, race plays an active role in the representation of women. Asian women for example, are depicted as docile and passive lovers, whereas black and Hispanic women are hyper sexualized and portrayed as exotic promiscuous â€Å"creatures† dressed in animal prints. The perfect ideal woman was manufactured and it’s time we recognize this, she is an illusion that doesn’t exist outside of caricature. Instead of altering our Rosales 3 bodies to fit those Barbie doll like measurements we need to start portraying the large diversity of women accurately and stop condemning those who are not thin enough, tall enough, light enough, as not being beautiful because they aren’t trying hard enough to fit those categories.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Rate of Reaction Experiment - Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation

Rate of Reaction Experiment - Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid To investigate the effect, of changing the concentration of a reactant, in a chemical reaction on it rate. The equation used for the experiment was: Sodium + Hydrochloric Sulphur + Sulphur + Sodium + water Thiosulphate acid dioxide chloride Na2S2O3 + 2HCl(aq) S(s) + SO(g) + NaCL(aq) + H2O The Collision Theory can explain reaction rates perfectly. A chemical reaction can only occur between particle when they hit or collide at a minimal amount of energy need for them to react this is called the activation energy. The rates of a reaction depends on how hard and often the reacting particles collide. Basically, particles have to collide in order to react 1) They must also collide hard enough to give a reaction. 2) Pressure can also affect reaction rates between gases, an increase in pressure pushes the molecules closer together making them collide more often, which in turn increases the reaction rate. 3) A presence of a Catalyst could affect the result, as it is a substance that alters the rate of the reaction. without itself appearing in the final result. When a solution becomes more concentrated it means there are more particles of reactant knocking between the water molecules, this means collisions between important particles more likely. In a gas, increasing the pressure means the molecules are more squashed together, there will then be lots more collisions. Higher temperature also increases the energy of the collisions, it makes particles move faster. Faster collisions can only b caused by increasing the temperature. enzymeThis is shown in the diagram opposite. The Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution and activation energy For a reaction to take place particles have got to collide with energies greater than or equal to the activation energy for the reaction, this can be marked on Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution. I have chosen to investigate the effect concentration has on a reaction. I chose this because it is the easier to prepare and will provide the most accurate set of results. Equipment --------- Hydrochloric acid (5cm3) Sodium thiosulphate Paper with black cross on Conical flasks Goggles Water Pipette Measuring cylinder Method To provide fair accurate results it is important to ensure that the same printed cross is used for each experiment. In this the experiment the amount of Sodium Thiosulphate is varied each time in comparison to the amount of water used, the solution will always add up to 45cm3. There will always be 5cm3 of hydrochloric acid used. The experiment was performed at room temperature as this made the experiment easy to perform, as no heating or cooling devises were necessary.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Samsung Corpotate Strategy

Samsung Company Overview Samsung Company is a world leader in digital technology innovation. Samsung believes in innovation and continue to look after the new technology to grow their business. I believed that company wanted to build a market in which customers are more loyal to the Samsung brand and trust in the name of Samsung. â€Å"SAMSUNG is dedicated to devel-oping innovative technologies and efficient processes that create new markets, enrich people's lives, and continue to make Samsung a digital leader† http://www. samsung. com/hk_en/images/aboutnew/corporateprofile/title_txt. if Samsung accomplished its success through the strategy of how to manage creativity, partnership with venders, and talent. Samsung is not only expanding in electronics but also expanding into other industries such as health care, medicine, and biotechnology. Samsung’s mission and vision will make Samsung a cutting edge company. I would say Samsung is the creator of the future of electroni cs. Samsung is among the world’s top five electronics brand and has $400 billion in revenue. The mission of the company explain everything â€Å"As stated in its new motto, Samsung Electronics' vision for the new decade is, â€Å"Inspire the World, Create the Future. This new vision reflects Samsung Electronics’ commitment to inspiring its communities by leveraging Samsung's three key strengths: â€Å"New Technology,† â€Å"Innovative Products,† and â€Å"Creative Solutions. † — and to promoting new value for Samsung's core networks — Industry, Partners, and Employees. Through these efforts, Samsung hopes to contribute to a better world and a richer experience for all† (http://www. samsung. com/us/aboutsamsung/corporateprofile/vision. html) Micro and macro environment for Samsung globally Porter’s five forces: The Threats of new entrantsThere is always a potential threat for Samsung that a new company will enter into th e market. Most of the companies find outsourcing company in China and label its brand. Only thing they have to do is to formulate a marketing strategy and distribution channel. Today’s global economy is depended on China. China is called world’s factory. Most of the products are manufactured at very low cost in China. Electronic companies like HP, SONY, DeLL, Gateway, Apple, and many others used China’s manufacturing industry. So there is always a threat of new entrants into the electronics market. MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine electronics industry attracted $2. 477 billion in fresh investments in 2011, the highest ever, and the new projects are expected to generate an estimated $5 billion in additional export revenues annually once they go into full commercial operation† (http://www. abs-cbnnews. com/business/02/21/12/electronics-industry-attracts-24b-investment). The Bargaining Power of Buyers Electronic world is changing everyday and in th e market there are many types and many verities to pick one from. Even it’s very difficult for a customer to find the best one with very competing prices to each others.Most of the individuals are price sensitive they can check the prices on line and fine the cheapest price before making any decision. Institutional buyers are more quality sensitive than price. Most of the companies focus on corporate customers. There is a completion in the market. The Bargaining Power of Suppliers Intel is leading in microprocessors it provided 85% of CPU so the power of suppliers is high because of low number of competitors in the market. Different companies produce different kind of products. Hard disk producers are many in the market. The power of suppliers is quite low because of many competitors in the market.Threats of Substitutes In the changing technology world, there are many substitutes available to the customers to choose one. Companies like Samsung have to keep the quality and pri ce up to the customer expectation. Samsung should understand the need and demand and desire of each group of customer. Samsung interviewed customers to check the water. The Intensity of Rivalry among Competitors Samsung group has many competitors in the global electronic world. The brand name competitors of the Samsung are LG, SK, Matsushitsa, Micron, Sony, Apple, Kyobo Life Insurance, Meiji Life Insurance, Sumitomo Life Insurance, Hp, Dell.SWOT analysis of Samsung Strengths †¢Electronics Product line and investment in other industries such as life insurance and biotech etc. †¢Heavy investment into R and marketing strategies. Company has more than one dozen R centers around the world and its 138000 R team members are working hard for the company’s success. †¢Leader in electronics especially in cell phone and more or less 60 other products. For example DVD, Ac, LCD, and Refrigerators etc. †¢Supplier of HD, DRAM, SDRAM, Memory Sticks, and semiconductors. â⠂¬ ¢Decision making process of the company. †¢Samsung provide better guarantee and service than its competitors.Weakness †¢Some of the Samsung products are not user friendly. This factor is keeping Samsung behind in the Global electronics market. For instance there are many draw back in digital camera Samsung S860. First of all the lens of this camera turn off automatically after 30 seconds. †¢Company invested too much into the R but need to spend on marketing. †¢Competitors spent on advertisement heavily but Samsung can’t explain introduce its products via advertisements. †¢Need to improve the battery life of many of its products. Opportunities †¢Globally the demands for electronics are increasing quickly.In the digital world everyone like to have his or her own cell phone and a laptop. †¢Need more production according to the market. †¢Market share can be increased in ASEAN regions, it is increased by 32. 7% during the year 2006. †¢Cell phone market is very big and expanding by the time, this is the industry where Samsung should invest more. †¢Samsung has the competitive prices. The growing markets like India, China and Brazil are very price sensitive. Threats †¢Prices of the electronics are decreasing 10% annually that is a threat to most of the electronic manufacturer in the industry. †¢Entry of new products every day. Green products and environmentalists organizations. †¢Restrictions on usage of lead, cadmium, mercury and flame retardants products. †¢R need to pay attention while developing a new product previously Samsung paid $134 million Inter Digital because Samsung lost a patent dispute. Similarly Ericson filed a lawsuit against Samsung. †¢Counterfeiting products are the major problem for any company in the world. Duplicate product’s annually revenue is more or less U$500. †¢It’s always a threat when outsourcing any product to a country like China wher e law is not well implemented to protect the patent rights.Samsung and Business Environment of Canada Study shows that Canadian customers prefer a better quality than price. Customer demands better guarantees and return policies. Canadian population is considered one of the educated nations in the world. Canadians welcome new technologies and love to learn. Sony is the first one who invented color television, and played a leading role in the world of electronics. Most of the Canadians like Sony brand and pay the high price. Sony is very much dominated the Canadian market, the price is high and products have conventional design.Samsung can penetrate the market with better advance stylish designs and lower price and better guarantees. I believed that will take time to take over the Canadian market. â€Å"We’ve been No. 1 in TVs since 2006 in Canada,† Politeski says. â€Å"In Canadian living rooms, there are an awful lot of Samsung TVs. So the brand name — whether it’s on TVs or appliances or mobile phones, any of our product categories — continues to grow momentum, and consumers become more and more interested in it. How do you become No. 1 in any category? Attention to what the customer thinks is most important† (http://business. financialpost. om/2012/05/01/samsung-aims-to-dethrone-apple-in-smartphone-market/). With Sony Canadians have no other choice if SECA use a right marketing strategy it’s possible that Samsung can win people opinion and market share. SECA should carefully formulate strategy on the target market, segmentation and repositioning the product. SECA can use demographic segmentation and divide market into four groups. Low income families, group of people who are price sensitive. High income families, group of people who prefer quality over the price. Young generation group, who prefer new innovations and technology advancements.They buy products when it comes first in market and pay the full pric e. The old generation group those people buy when they need and are very price sensitive. Business user group those people are less price sensitive than quality, customized products and guarantees. Hobbyists is a group who like to buy new innovations which can satisfy their hobby quest. SECA can differentiate its products from others buy innovating user friendly and cost effective products for everyone. SECA should listen their corporate customers and customize their product according to their needs. â€Å"Canadian expansion strategy will be on full display.Following in the footsteps of rivals Sony and Apple, Samsung plans to open several stand-alone retail locations across the country, as the company attempts to strengthen its direct relationship with consumers† (http://business. financialpost. com). SECA should use 4P’s of marketing to achieve success in Canadian market. Product; brand strength could be achieved by producing better products and user friendly products . It could be done by producing stylish and durable cell phones, brighter and bigger flat screen TV’s, cost effective, energy efficient, durable AC, refrigerators, and other electrical home appliances.Place; Samsung should open its own retail stores across the country. Currently Samsung use distribution channels those are Best Buy, etc. Samsung should use online and on site distribution channels. Price; There are variance in the Samsung’s prices and discounts which creates confusion in the market. Samsung have to pay attention on the pricing strategy of its products. Promotion; Samsung should invest more in advertisement and promotion in Canada. With the help of advertisements a company conveys its message to the customers.A right advertisement and promotion would be a key to success in the Canadian market. Canada could be a tough market for Samsung if the company will not redesign its marketing strategy. Canadians are more loyal to SONY brand. To compete the electroni c giant like SONY, Samsung should adopt a better strategy that produce a better product, price, placement and promotion. Samsung Corporate and Global Strategy I agreed more or less with the Samsung’s corporate strategy and global strategy. There are few steps need to take in Samsung’s corporate and global strategy.I will discuss about why I like Samsung’s corporate and global strategy. Business Wire of Boston writes about Samsung that it took the 25% of the market share and was star performing during the first quarter of the year 2012. I believe that Samsung is doing something right at the corporate and global level the reason why company became the world’s number one had set vendor. â€Å"BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–According to the latest research from Strategy Analytics, global handset shipments grew a modest 3 percent annually to reach 368 million units in the first quarter of 2012.Samsung was the star performer during the quarter, capturing a record 25 percent market share to become the world’s number one handset vendor for the first time ever† (http://www. businesswire. com). At first Samsung’s business model was to produce more mobile phone in number, they pay less attention to the quality. By the time Samsung decided that company should produce not only quantity but also better quality to compete in the global market. They accomplished this dream with their vision â€Å"Leading the Digital Convergence Revolution†(www. samsung. com).Chairman of the company Mr. Lee played a dynamic role in the success of Samsung. During the revolutionary strategic change in the company he said that we have to change everything only we will keep our children and wives. It sounds funny but the Chairman Lee changed everything in the company. The new strategy strived more on better look and quality than quantity. The design advisor Tom Hardy helped Mr. Lee’s vision to accomplish. Company’s designe rs had been sent to different fashion and design companies around the world to have a better perspective about the global design.Samsung took advantage from its design centers around the world and become a global electronics name that consumer trust and like. â€Å"If money was the answer to innovation then Samsung Electronics would certainly rank among the best in the world. Samsung spent 10 trillion won ($9 US billion) on research and development in 2011† (http://www. vancouversun. com) Samsung can produce in house semiconductors, LCD screens, and memory plant. This is the reason why company can independently, cost effectively, and

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Indian Independence Movement and Modern India Essay

I am Chandini C Kurup of class IX B standing here to speak to you on this auspicious occasion of Republic Day As we are celebrating the 64th Republic Day of India, we students have some responsibilities to shoulder, and some duties to plunge ourselves. The contribution of students in the struggle for Indian independence and thereafter in the making of modern India can never be negated. From the prehistoric times to the recent years, students in India have played a significant role in shaping the history, culture and demographics of our beloved motherland. Students are not moved by greed, nor touched by the fanaticism and bigotry between brothers and sisters, in religion or otherwise, nor engulfed by the violence that seems to be a standing libel on the world all around. We students are the most pure, the most energetic. And it is the time for us once more to take the oaths and help the nation march forward. Let us take an oath to explore our country in its history, geography, culture and literature as much as we can. It is a pity that we can name several novelists, artists and musicians of England, France, Germany, Russia and many more foreign countries without much thoughts, but need to reach our notebooks and laptops to name even a few of them from our neighboring states. Let us take an oath to understand the immense power of the Indian culture and tradition that have always been the unity in our rich diversity. India was never a nation before the British rule. Our country was forever decided in numerous political pockets, in fact the very concept of a nation is purely Western, yet the concept of a country united through her culture was always there. Only that culture has been the lifeline of India, despite the number of invasions and aggressions on our motherland. If we forget that culture altogether and rush with closed eyes to imitate the West, the end is near. Let us take an oath to do our duties for the country and the environment. If we do all our rough works in the electronic media, we would save lot of papers and trees to make a difference. We can choose not to accept plastic carry bags and request our friends and relatives to follow us. Once in a week, we can offer free tuition to our needy brothers and sisters. Lots of medicines, old books, and old clothes go waste every year; we can donate them to these organizations as well. Our years old shirts that we hate to put on now will bring smiles to many of our friends in need. Morality is the basis and we must not forget that too. We don’t need to be religious and in fact the maker of modern India, Swami Vivekananda, used to hate the manifold rites and customs that make the gap between religions and the common man. But we need to have faith – faith on God, on the essential goodness of man, on the strength and future of our country, and last but not the least, in ourselves. Our nation is made of none but us, and if we can enlighten ourselves we can enlighten the whole nation. We are the future of India, and the way we make ourselves ready for it will decide the fate of the country in the years to come. All good deeds and attempts are mocked by a class of people we must not be afraid nor ashamed of them. All good deeds are achieved through hardships, and we must toil. But all good deeds bring forth a joy to the core of our heart that none can snatch away, and to our last days of lives, that pleasure is going to be our precious possession for sure. Let us respect our country, our nation, our brave soldiers, our Constitution, our national anthem, and our national flag. As we will follow our ways back to home after this ceremony, we might see paper made tricolor flags torn down from ropes and poles and lying on the street dust like garbage; let us spend a few minutes on our way, today at least, to stop and pick them for a better and respectful disposal. The road ahead is a long one, where we have miles to go. With determination and unity we can move forward. On this special occasion, I urge all of you to show the unity and strength and develop the nation where citizens live with peace and mutual understanding.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ariel Dorfmans Death and the Maiden and Bertolt Brechts Mother Courage Essay Example

Ariel Dorfmans Death and the Maiden and Bertolt Brechts Mother Courage Essay Example Ariel Dorfmans Death and the Maiden and Bertolt Brechts Mother Courage Paper Ariel Dorfmans Death and the Maiden and Bertolt Brechts Mother Courage Paper thus, although the country had been freed from the oppressive rule of the dictatorship Paulina was still oppressed within her own house itself. However, the entire atmosphere changes after Scene 3 when Paulina takes possession of the gun. With the gun in Paulinas hand Dorfman shows a different side of her, the earlier compliant Paulina is gone and in her place is a woman who is in control of the situation. Paulina realizes that it is the gun which allows her to speak her mind and finally make choices, in Act 1 Scene 4 when Gerardo tells her to put the gun down as it is preventing any dialogue from taking place, she counters saying that as soon as she puts the gun down all dialogue will terminate since Gerardo would use his strength to win the argument showing that the gun is her only source of defense against him. The gun becomes both a symbol of power and a symbol of defense for Paulina who being a woman would never be able to physically overpower Gerardo. Thus, keeping a more feminist view in mind, both Gerardo and Miranda represent a male-dominated world where Paulina, the woman, has very few choices and is forced to take a very desperate and dangerous way out, represented by the gun. Dorfman also shows the reader how this would not normally be way in which Paulina would free herself, shown by her inexperience in handling the gun. (Act 1, Scene 4, Its clear she did not know how to fire the weapon) It also shows how new this freedom of choice was for Paulina. The gun is not only for Paulinas protection but is also her only means to gain justice for herself. While she does talk about people who had been denied justice like her, the emphasis is always on the word me. The fact that it is a gun that she uses, a weapon that only protects her and harms others shows the reader that she wanted her justice no matter what the cost was to anyone else. In Mother Courage, the cart is a clear symbol of survival. It is Mother Courages only means of enduring the war and supporting her children. Similar to Paulina in Death and the Maiden, Mother Courage too is a woman all alone in a world controlled by men (a fact that all the powerful posts in the army such as general belong to men). However unlike Paulina, Mother Courage is very well versed with business and this shows us that she has been living like this for a very long time. We can see this from Scene 1 where she bites the half-florin and says shes got no faith in any kind of money showing that she has traveled far and wide and has vast experience in business matters. Another example of this is in Scene 2 when she haggles effectively with the cook over the price of a hen. Mother Courage may seem very business minded with her cart being the only reason to live being her cart; however the reality of the situation is that the cart is just a means of earning money to take care of her children. When Swiss Cheese is captured she is ready to hand over her cart in exchange, the only reason she bargains for more is the fact that she still ahs a daughter to care for. Taking care of her children probably has a broader societal meaning, it could refer to the protection of the weak and oppressed during the war, this can be further justified by the fact that none of the children share the same father and non of this matters to Mother Courage in whose mind they are all her family, hence, the conventional idea of what a family should be like is completely broken in this way where a cart is what keeps them together. This can be compared to Gerardo and Paulina who, while married share a very dysfunctional relationship with Paulina ironically being able to tell Roberto more things than she can tell her husband. Once again the idea of family is challenged where Paulina can only be heard through the sound of gunshot. In Mother Courage there is no continuity between the scenes, yet Mother Courage and her cart remain constant even in a war, on the other hand, in Death and the Maiden the flow of the story is constant, however Paulina and her actions are not. Although she lives in an age of democracy, the gun in her hand dissolves all such ideas and brings it down to a question of who has the strength to do what they want. In Act 2, Scene 1, while pointing the gun to Robertos temple she says Out there you bastards may still give the orders, but in here, Im in command. Is that clear? This shows almost twisted thinking on Paulinas part in a world where everyone had the right to speak out. Another interesting aspect to note is that the gun in Death and the Maiden would probably have been more suited in the war-ravaged setting of Mother Courage, the cart which is a symbol of business would fit far better in Death and the Maiden where the country has just attained democracy and is free of oppressive dictatorship. The cart is symbolizes the prosperity and capitalism which democracy is supposed to bring. However, the gun and the cart seem very out of place in their respective environments. While it is obvious that the authors had not planned both stories together we still see a common thread of thought in the writing of both authors, in one case the gun shows a shadow of the past, the presence of the oppressive dictatorship is still looming over while in Mother Courage the cart shows the future, the war will one day end and normal life will return. While the ideas seem very contrasting in nature, the common factor is that they both show the reader that nothing is truly perfect or complete; there is no continuity in any form of system, The very fact that it is so difficult shows us that this idea could never be conveyed to the reader through sheer words, the image of the gun and the cart instead paint this picture in our minds. While very different, both the gun and the cart play very similar roles in each story. Their importance to the leading characters is unquestionable and the many ideas they reveal, while different, show the reader the same thing. Hence, it must be said that these items form an integral part of their respective stories.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Craft a PhD Research Proposal

How to Craft a PhD Research Proposal How to Craft a PhD Research Proposal If you are contemplating taking your academic career to the next level and completing a PhD in the chosen field of study, then it is important to begin thinking about how you are going to present your proposal. In this article, we will explain the requirements of a PhD research proposal and walk you through the key steps that you will need to follow preparing your proposal. What is a PhD Research Proposal? Not every academic field of study will require the same format of a proposal if you are applying for a PhD program. In more technical subjects such as science, engineering, or medicine, the institution that you are applying to will most likely follow an interview process to determine whether you will be a good fit for one of their existing research teams. In the fields of humanities and social sciences, research is generally conducted on an individual basis, and it is in these fields where you will most likely be expected to submit a detailed and formal PhD research proposal. Below are the key elements that you should include in your research proposal. Step 1: Title At this stage of the process, this will only be a working title for your subject matter, but use a title that is clear and concisely illustrates the subject of your research. Step 2: Rationale In this section, you should outline the background and rationale for your proposed subject matter. You need to be able to give context regarding the background and issues within which your research will sit. You also need to be able to articulate the aims and objectives of your research. In this section, you should also detail the parameters that you have set for your proposed research and the rationale for setting those parameters. Step 3: Research Question Here, you need to be able succinctly and precisely define the research question that you will be addressing. You also need to demonstrate confidence that the research question you are addressing will be able to be answered within the timeframe that you have available. Step 4: Methodology You need to describe the methodology that you will use to conduct your research as well as the theoretical framework within which you are working. This is quite an important part of your proposal. You need to demonstrate that not only is the research approach that you are proposing is sound, but you also have to address any ethical considerations as well as the practicality of delivering meaningful results from the research you are undertaking. Step 5: Literature Review In this section, you need to demonstrate that you have an understanding of the work that has already been completed on this subject. Acknowledge the main academic contributions that have already been made, and outline how the research that you are proposing will add to the knowledge and understanding of the chosen subject. Step 6: Qualifications This is important to demonstrate that you have the skills and experiences to undertake and deliver this research. Think of this section as your academic CV. Step 7: Publication Research of this nature has value if it is able to be published in a relevant academic journal. Demonstrate that you have considered how your work will be published once completed. Undertaking PhD research is a major milestone in your academic career. Make sure you set yourself up for success by understanding all of the requirements and how to present yourself as a high-quality candidate with the drive and determination to deliver the results required.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Wrongful Convictions - Death Penalty and Innocence Essay

Wrongful Convictions - Death Penalty and Innocence - Essay Example I would much rather risk the former. This, to me, is not a tough call." Professor John McAdams, Marquette University Law is one of the most intricate aspects of socio-political life; it revolves around the life of individuals and helps them coexist in tandem with one another. It is based on a philosophy as talked about by eminent thinkers and its very features emanate a sort of philosophical thinking on the basis of what law exactly is. Law generates human behaviour and is answerable for the actions of the people; it thus control and regulates the manner in which people exist around each other and thus, it poses an intellectual question as to how it carries out the same function. Within a society thus, if people commit crimes or harass others and intrude upon their peaceful living, they are bound to be punished, and since times immemorial, one of the worst punishments that a person may be given is a death penalty. The definition of the term death penalty is ‘putting a condemned person to death’. (Definition - Death Penalty). This means that if a person kills someone, in most cases, he himself will get sentenced to death. At the same time, it is pertinent to note that many countries around the world have abolished the charge of a death penalty to their citizens despite the heinous acts that they may commit. Other countries, for example, India, still make use of the death penalty in the rarest of rare cases. Current trends in the United States of America suggest that the death penalty is administered to people committing crimes ranging from drug trafficking to aggravated murder, and one of the most common forms of the execution involves the use of a lethal injection which has been opposed by numerous human rights groups. In 2011 itself, 43 executions have taken place with the lethal injection (Facts About Death Penalty). However, there are many states within the US, for example, Michigan, Hawaii, and Alaska, which have banned the death sentence altog ether. In America, there is acclaimed public support for death penalties as well because the people believe in truly punishing those that commit grave crimes like murders. Since the 1980s, this trend seems to be in the proposition of the public. Michigan was the first state with an English-speaking government that banned the death sentence for all crimes except for treason. Giving any individual the death penalty is a tough task to process because it involves pin pointing a certain crime onto a person that has shocked all of society; since the punishment depends on the gravity of the crime committed, it is pertinent to understand the reason for giving a death penalty in many parts of the world even today. However, according to personal opinion, the death penalty should only be reserved for the worst crimes and the rarest of rare cases because as discussed within this paper, it is difficult to segregate the innocent people from those that are indeed guilty and wrongfully giving the d eath penalty will result in creating many more criminals rather than fix the society. Causes of Wrongful Conviction Eyewitness error The memory of an individual may be either blurry or deceive him especially when it comes to remembering events that may have occurred in the past, especially with respect to other individuals. In the case of a rape and kidnapping, a man in Florida, Alan Crotzer, was wrongfully convicted to a long time in prison, awaiting a decision when he had not committed a crime at all, despite the eyewitnesses stating the facts as him being the criminal (Stutzman, R). According to the